161 S. Lincolnway
North Aurora
Are you searching for a place where you can deepen your relationship with God and be a part of a supportive community? Look no further! Our Aurora Campus is a place for those seeking a deeper connection with God. Our hope is that your experience here will enable you to change your life, cultivate your gifts, connect with people and care for others. We believe that through worship, Bible study, and meaningful relationships, we can grow closer to God and experience his love in a tangible way. So why wait? Join us at our Aurora Campus Sundays @ 10:30AM.
Aurora Campus Lead Pastor
Pastor Derrick Jackson currently holds the title of Lead Pastor at Wheaton Christian Center Church Aurora Campus in North Aurora, Illinois. He has served as an assistant pastor to Pastor Carlton R. Arthurs for the past 28 years and has been in the full-time ministry for over 31 years.
MOE (Men’s Ministry)
The Men of Excellence Ministry provides:
Monthly fellowship opportunities
Intense spiritual development
Mentorship / Discipleship
Opportunities to serve and stay connected to the ministry of WCC
Friendly, recreational activities / sporting events
GWM (Women’s Ministry)
Our goal is to create an atmosphere where women, from all walks of life, can realize spiritual maturity through connecting with other women, learning from educational seminars, and experiencing the love and life changing encounters with Jesus Christ.
We Want Your Kids to Love Church.
That’s why we are committed to creating a safe and fun environment where your children are taught about the Bible and the love of Jesus through relevant, age-appropriate services. Our ultimate hope is to see a generation of children come to know God at an early age.
We have found that serving God’s people is incredibly rewarding. It is a great privilege, but also a great responsibility. Jesus said that His disciples would be identified by their love one for another (John 13:35). Our goal is to make Wheaton Christian Center Church a place where the love of God is not only taught, but demonstrated on a consistent basis.